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A Quick Go-To Guide On The Best Milks Available

When it comes to milk these days, it seems that it can be sourced from everywhere. The humble dairy cow is becoming more and more redundant as the world tops their cereal and fills their coffee mug with dairy-free milk alternatives.

And with so many options out there, it’s becoming tough to decide on the right option to match your nutrition goals. Do you want the high-protein, muscle-building cow juice, or are you after a creamy nut based alternative to aide digestion. Heck, you can even opt for some not-so-tempting cockroach milk, if that floats your boat.

Whilst working with Men’s Health, I was lucky enough to enlist the help of famous sports dietician and co-founder of the nutrition powerhouse Health & Performance NutitionChloe McLeod, to break down the top milks on the market, and look at their benefits and potential down-sides.

And if this doesn’t quench your thirst, maybe you’d be best suited to a tall glass of cockroach milk… 😷.

Full Cream Dairy

Positive / The full ‘moo’ is a good source of protein and calcium, says McLeod, with a higher source of calories for those wanting to gain weight, and muscle, and is also very satisfying for those wanting to lose.

Negative / Not everyone tolerates dairy.


Positive / Another good source of protein and calcium, and easily digested due to lower fat content.

Negative / Not everyone tolerates dairy, and some brands are high in sugar.


Positive / Appropriate option for those needing nut, soy and dairy free options, and some are fortified with calcium and protein.

Negative / Unless fortified, they’re very low in protein and calcium.


Positive / Creamy taste thanks to the macadamia nuts, appropriate option for those needing soy and dairy free.

Negative / Most aren’t calcium fortified, and many have added sugars.


Positive / Some are calcium fortified and there are unsweetened, low sugar versions. Another appropriate option for those needing soy and dairy free.

Negative / Most aren’t calcium fortified, and many have added sugars. They’re also low in protein and are mostly water rather than anything else.


Positive / Good source of protein, fortified with calcium, and well tolerated by most.

Negative / There is a distinctly funky taste, not all fortified with calcium, and some have added sugar. There is also the risk of estrogen production, potentially leading to man-boobs.


Positive / A new entry to the milk-game, a milk alternative based on pea protein, harnessing vegetable protein. Another great low-sugar alternative for those who struggle to digest dairy.

Negative / A relatively new milk to the market, you might struggle to find this one for easy top ups.

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